You are what
you eat
Every November the Netherlands celebrates reading. For 31 days in a row, you can pick up a free book in all libraries throughout the country. The theme of Nederland Leest changes every year, the book that’s published is always connected to it. This year’s theme is ‘food’. As this is a theme too diverse to find only one story about, the CPNB decided to move away from its own beaten path and create a completely new book, consisting of five different stories and articles written by five different authors. I got to develop the book, the book cover, the campaign, the title of the book and the campaign slogan.
Realised at KesselsKramer
Client: CPNB
Designer/Art Director: Stephanie Lüscher
Copywriter: Sophie Rijnaard
Creative Director: Gijs van den Berg
Illustrations: Laurène Boglio